Art School Reopening



The doors to the Art School opened on 4th July to welcome diners once more – A day we’d been looking forward to for over three months.

Our reopening was only possible thanks to the strict measures our teams have put in place to keep you safe while you enjoy your fine dining experience with us.

To vouch for our compliance with the latest health and safety guidance, we were independently audited by the Four Square Group, and were awarded their seal of approval: a certificate we are proud to display, demonstrating that we are COVID-safe.

Covid Safe Certificate

Four Square have been working with various local businesses in the hospitality sector to prepare them for the relaunch of their restaurants, bars and eateries.

It’s important for us that customers feel secure dining out at The Art School and we look forward to seeing our fellow members of the hospitality family get back on their feet. Especially as we all thrive as a result of people having greater confidence to eat out.

Four Square can help: they have devised a comprehensive roadmap to get eateries ready to trade, including helping them carry out a risk assessment, put in place an action plan, and undergo an audit.

When you see a Four Square certificate in the window, it indicates that a business premises is COVID-safe, so you can rest assured that the following criteria is being met:

  • A robust risk assessment has taken place to see where possible transmission may occur throughout the business’s operations.
  • Cleaning schedules are being maintained, surfaces are being regularly cleansed and staff have been fully trained on the new procedures including increased handwashing.
  • Strict maintenance of a 1- 2m distance at all times.

When you visit The Art School, you may notice we have changed the layout of the restaurant to enable social distancing. Where it isn’t possible to stay 2m apart, we wear visors and have established barriers to reduce the possibility of transmission.

Our staff are fully on board with the new procedures having undergone rigorous training, and now their hard work has paid off, allowing us to open on time in line with government guidance.

Most importantly, we’re pleased to have received an independent vote of confidence that we are a safe space for our diners and staff alike.

We want to continue to give you the best time and happiest memories in this new climate, and now it’s been made possible.

Thank you to all our colleagues for your collaboration and thank you to our guests who have demonstrated your belief in us by coming back in force.

To read more about what our COVID-safe certificate means and to check where it is safe to dine out, please browse the following link:

To find out about other Foursquare audited establishments, scroll down to see the list of COVID-safe eateries you can enjoy:
